Pranav Asthana

I’m a first year PhD student at the University of Maryland working with Prof. Amitabh Varshney.

Previously, I worked on 3D vision at Amazon Just-Walk-Out and language and multimodal models at ShortTok. Prior to that, I graduated with an MS in Computer Science from the University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign where I was advised by Prof. David Forsyth and worked on Single Image Scene Relighting. I got my undergrad in CS from BITS Pilani - Hyderabad Campus.

My research interests include computer vision, computer graphics and computational photography.

I love travelling, hiking, bouldering, badminton and am always looking for more to do. I’ve been trying to learn to play the guitar and keyboard.


Aug 2024 UMD Joined University of Maryland (College Park) for PhD in Computer Science
May 2024 PAXAFE Summer at PAXAFE as an ML Intern
Apr 2023 ShortTok Joined ShortTok as an ML Engineer to work on all things AI for automated visual storytelling
Aug 2022 AmazonGo Joined Amazon Go as an Applied Scientist to work on vision based just-walk-out technology
May 2022 UIUC Graduated MS with thesis on Single Image Scene Relighting, advised by Prof. David Forsyth
July 2021 AmazonLab126 Summer at Amazon Lab 126 as an Applied Scientist Intern to work on their home robot, Astro
Aug 2020 UIUC Joined University of Illinois Urbana Champaign (UIUC) for MS in Computer Science
Jul 2019 Arcesium Joined Arcesium as a Software Engineer
May 2019 BITS Graduated from BITS with a bachelor’s degree in CS
Jul 2018 AMEX Semester at American Express AI labs as a Research Intern to work on unsupervised summarization of customer call transcripts
May 2016 HappiestMinds Summer at Happiest Minds as an Intern to work on speaker recognition and video topic tagging
Aug 2015 BITS Joined BITS Pilani - Hyderabad campus for BE Computer Science